, R/without_progress.R
Report on Progress while Evaluating an R Expression
An R expression to evaluate.
A progression handler or a list of them. If NULL or an empty list, progress updates are ignored.
If TRUE, all progression handlers will be shutdown at the end regardless of the progression is complete or not.
If TRUE, output and conditions that may end up in the terminal will delayed.
If TRUE, standard output is captured and relayed at the end just before any captured conditions are relayed.
A character vector specifying base::condition classes to be captured and relayed at the end after any captured standard output is relayed.
Controls whether interrupts should be detected or not. If TRUE and a interrupt is signaled, progress handlers are asked to report on the current amount progress when the evaluation was terminated by the interrupt, e.g. when a user pressed Ctrl-C in an interactive session, or a batch process was interrupted because it ran out of time. Note that it's optional for a progress handler to support this and only some do.
(numeric) The minimum time (in seconds) between successive progression updates from handlers.
(logical) If FALSE, then progress is not reported. The default is to report progress in interactive mode but not batch mode. See below for more details.
Returns the value of the expression.
If you are writing a Shiny app, use the withProgressShiny()
instead of this one.
If the global progression handler is enabled, it is temporarily disabled
while evaluating the expr
IMPORTANT: This function is meant for end users only. It should not be used by R packages, which only task is to signal progress updates, not to decide if, when, and how progress should be reported.
evaluates an expression while ignoring all
progress updates.
Formally, progression handlers are calling handlers that are called when a progression condition is signaled. These handlers are functions that takes one argument which is the progression condition.
When running R from the command line, R runs in a non-interactive mode
returns FALSE
). The default behavior of
is to not report on progress in non-interactive mode.
To have progress being reported on also then, set R options
progressr.enable or environment variable R_PROGRESSR_ENABLE
. Alternatively, one can set argument enable=TRUE
when calling
. For example,
will not report on progress, whereas:
$ Rscript -e "library(progressr)" -e "with_progress(slow_sum(1:5))"
For Shiny apps, use withProgressShiny()
instead of this function.
Internally, this function is built around base::withCallingHandlers()
## The slow_sum() example function
slow_sum <- progressr::slow_sum
#> function (x, delay = getOption("progressr.demo.delay", 1), stdout = FALSE,
#> message = TRUE, sticky = TRUE)
#> {
#> if (missing(stdout))
#> stdout <- getOption("progressr.slow_sum.stdout", FALSE)
#> if (missing(message))
#> message <- getOption("progressr.slow_sum.message", TRUE)
#> if (missing(sticky))
#> sticky <- getOption("progressr.slow_sum.sticky", TRUE)
#> p <- progressor(along = x)
#> sum <- 0
#> for (kk in seq_along(x)) {
#> p(amount = 0)
#> Sys.sleep(0.2 * delay)
#> if (stdout)
#> cat(sprintf("O: Element #%d\n", kk))
#> Sys.sleep(0.2 * delay)
#> p(amount = 0)
#> Sys.sleep(0.2 * delay)
#> sum <- sum + x[kk]
#> p(message = sprintf("P: Adding %g", kk))
#> Sys.sleep(0.2 * delay)
#> if (message)
#> message(sprintf("M: Added value %g", x[kk]))
#> p(amount = 0)
#> Sys.sleep(0.2 * delay)
#> if (sticky && kk%%10 == 0) {
#> p(amount = 0, message = sprintf("P: %d elements done",
#> kk), class = "sticky")
#> }
#> }
#> p(amount = 0)
#> sum
#> }
#> <bytecode: 0x60c645973e28>
#> <environment: namespace:progressr>
x <- 1:10
## Without progress updates
y <- slow_sum(x)
#> M: Added value 1
#> M: Added value 2
#> M: Added value 3
#> M: Added value 4
#> M: Added value 5
#> M: Added value 6
#> M: Added value 7
#> M: Added value 8
#> M: Added value 9
#> M: Added value 10
## Progress reported via txtProgressBar (default)
handlers("txtprogressbar") ## default
y <- slow_sum(x)
#> M: Added value 1
#> M: Added value 2
#> M: Added value 3
#> M: Added value 4
#> M: Added value 5
#> M: Added value 6
#> M: Added value 7
#> M: Added value 8
#> M: Added value 9
#> M: Added value 10
## Progress reported via tcltk::tkProgressBar
if (capabilities("tcltk") && requireNamespace("tcltk", quietly = TRUE)) {
y <- slow_sum(x)
#> M: Added value 1
#> M: Added value 2
#> M: Added value 3
#> M: Added value 4
#> M: Added value 5
#> M: Added value 6
#> M: Added value 7
#> M: Added value 8
#> M: Added value 9
#> M: Added value 10
## Progress reported via progress::progress_bar)
if (requireNamespace("progress", quietly = TRUE)) {
y <- slow_sum(x)
#> M: Added value 1
#> M: Added value 2
#> M: Added value 3
#> M: Added value 4
#> M: Added value 5
#> M: Added value 6
#> M: Added value 7
#> M: Added value 8
#> M: Added value 9
#> M: Added value 10
## Progress reported via txtProgressBar and beepr::beep
if (requireNamespace("beepr", quietly = TRUE)) {
handlers("beepr", "txtprogressbar")
y <- slow_sum(x)
#> M: Added value 1
#> M: Added value 2
#> M: Added value 3
#> M: Added value 4
#> M: Added value 5
#> M: Added value 6
#> M: Added value 7
#> M: Added value 8
#> M: Added value 9
#> M: Added value 10
## Progress reported via customized utils::txtProgressBar and beepr::beep,
## if available.
handlers(handler_txtprogressbar(style = 3L))
if (requireNamespace("beepr", quietly = TRUE)) {
handlers("beepr", append = TRUE)
y <- slow_sum(1:30)
#> M: Added value 1
#> M: Added value 2
#> M: Added value 3
#> M: Added value 4
#> M: Added value 5
#> M: Added value 6
#> M: Added value 7
#> M: Added value 8
#> M: Added value 9
#> M: Added value 10
#> M: Added value 11
#> M: Added value 12
#> M: Added value 13
#> M: Added value 14
#> M: Added value 15
#> M: Added value 16
#> M: Added value 17
#> M: Added value 18
#> M: Added value 19
#> M: Added value 20
#> M: Added value 21
#> M: Added value 22
#> M: Added value 23
#> M: Added value 24
#> M: Added value 25
#> M: Added value 26
#> M: Added value 27
#> M: Added value 28
#> M: Added value 29
#> M: Added value 30