A progression handler for notify()
of the notifier package.
intrusiveness = getOption("progressr.intrusiveness.notifier", 10),
target = "gui",
(numeric) A non-negative scalar on how intrusive (disruptive) the reporter to the user.
(character vector) Specifies where progression updates are rendered.
Additional arguments passed to make_progression_handler()
This progression handler requires the notifier package, which is only
available from https://github.com/gaborcsardi/notifier. This can be
installed as remotes::install_github("gaborcsardi/notifier@62d484")
pkg <- "notifier"
if (requireNamespace(pkg, quietly = TRUE)) {
with_progress({ y <- slow_sum(1:10) })
#> M: Added value 1
#> M: Added value 2
#> M: Added value 3
#> M: Added value 4
#> M: Added value 5
#> M: Added value 6
#> M: Added value 7
#> M: Added value 8
#> M: Added value 9
#> M: Added value 10
#> [1] 55